Dalia Dalle, M.D.



Provider Name: Dalia Dalle, M.D.

Academic Appointment: Assistant Professor

Provider Specialty: Endocrinology

Areas of Clinical Focus:  Diabetes Mellitus/Thyroid Disorders/Puberty and Growth Disorders

Areas of Research/Scholarship Focus:  Diabetes Mellitus

Board Certification(s):  Pediatrics/Pediatric Endocrinology

Primary Practice Name:

Primary Practice Address:

City: Detroit

State: MI

ZIP Code:

Practice Phone Number:

Practice Fax:

Other Practicing Locations:

Accepted Insurance: We accept most types on insurance. Please call to confirm that your carrier is on our list.

Languages Spoken:  English/Arabic

Medical School:  University of Damascus

Internship:  St. John's Hospital and Medical Center

Residency: St. John's Hospital and Medical Center

Fellowship: Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital

Selected Publications: 795-P: Effect of Protein Intake (PI) on Postprandial ... - Diabeteshttps://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org › Supplement_1 10th Individual Abstracts for International Meeting of Pediatric ...http:// internationalmeeting2017.org › docs › ABSTR...

Awards/Honors: Best Clinical Study Fellowship Award

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